
Showing posts from March, 2022


Greetings to you all the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, Today we are in the 27th days of LENT, and today we are going to discuss about Christian Mission.  Synonyms – assignment, task, journey, undertaking, goal, pursuit, aim, purpose etc. Opposite words – rest, stoppage, lazy We will be discussing what is mission, its origin, why want to talk on mission, your mission generally or common and Gods mission, Mission: Generally - mission is an important assignment or task given to a person or group of people. Typically – mission involving travel Biblically – a sending (with special purpose) The word Mission comes from the Latin word Missio (n) and the verb ‘Mittere’ appears quite frequently in the vulgate, which corresponds, to the word ‘send’ in English Bible. Biblical scholars have related to these two words “mission” and “sending” for the equivalent term in Hebrew Bible “Salah”, “Apostello” and “Pempo” in both the LXX and New Testament. Salah and Apostello stand for biblical l


Introduction The term Ministry comes from Latin ‘ministerium’ which means ‘activity of a servant, service, duty’. In Middle English ‘ministere’. Later it became Minstri. Our Lord Jesus Christ talks about ministry, “My Father will honor the one who serves me”. John 12:25. If we want to get honor from Almighty, we should do the ministry with sincerely. The word ministry appeared in the bible 22 times. Healing Ministry The Bible talks about Jesus, the Son of God who went about doing good and healing all kinds of diseases – bringing wholeness and healing to people in their body and mind. When Jesus had risen from the dead, he gave the authority and power to his disciples to drive out demons and heal all kinds of diseases. Since then, the church has been engaged in the ministry of healing. Biblical Understanding of Healing: We must clearly understand the fact that Jesus never attempted to heal people without any relevance nor benefit to the Kingdom of God. When Jesus began his minis


Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Saviour of the World.       I am glad to share with you about Faith in Action. There are a lot of controversies going on between the concepts of Faith in Action and the Faith without Works. Here, I would like to, bring out the demonstration of a living faith in loving action from James 2.14 - 26. St. James did not contradict the Apostle Paul, who insisted that we are saved not of works (Ephesians 2.9). Paul mentioned the works of law such as circumcision which does not save humankind. Paul also wrote (Titus 3.8): “… those who believed in God should be careful to maintain good works.”  In the same way, St. James explained that the living faith must accompany by virtuous deeds. He was written this letter to remind Jewish Christians for teaching them about the faithful life to them. Act of Obedience by Faith St. James proved faith in action from the life of Abraham, the father of Jews and many nations. The faith of A

Purpose of life

“In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will, so that we, who were the first to set our hope on Christ, might live for the praise of his glory.” Ephesians 1:11-12 (NRSV) We all are here on earth not by an accident but God have a plan for each one of us. we are sent to this earth with a purpose which we need to quest for. Our birth was not a mistake, and our life is not fluke of nature. Our parents may not have planned us, but God did. Before we were conceived by our parents we were in God’s mind because he had a plan for us. it is not by chance or fate that we are alive, we are alive and breathing because God wanted to create us. The Word of God says, “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me.” No matter where we were born, under what circumstances we were born. We might feel that we don’t have any hope in life. But, let us be remined that no matter what we are who we


Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, For today my reflection is from Mark 12:41-44, a widow praised by Jesus as an exemplary model of generosity and true piety. This reading can be regarded as the usual or traditional interpretation of the story which we keep listening to over and over again. But it is also the story of a widow, who offered her last penny, this is a tragic and painful example of an exploited woman . The widow’s act would be nothing but a misguided expression of false piety inspired and encouraged by the religious leaders. As the story goes in Mark 12, Jesus was watching people put money into the temple treasury. Rich people put in a lot of money. Then, a poor widow put in 2 small copper coins. Jesus’ comments make it clear that the widow felt the impact of her contribution much more than all the rich people giving money they didn’t need. She gave the only money she had to buy food to survive. Her sacrifice had painful consequences in he


Eucharist , also called Holy Communion or Lord’s Supper , in  Christianity , ritual commemoration of  Jesus ’  Last Supper  with his disciples. The Eucharist (from the Greek  eucharistia  for “thanksgiving”) is the central act of Christian worship and is practised by most Christian churches in some form. Origin in Scripture The story of the institution of the Eucharist by Jesus on the night before his  Crucifixion  is reported in the  Synoptic Gospels  (Matthew 26:26–28; Mark 14:22–24; and Luke 22:17–20) and in the  First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians  (I Corinthians 11:23–25). According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus established the practice at the Last Supper, a traditional  Passover   Seder , when he blessed the bread, which he said, was his body, and shared it with his disciples. He then shared a cup of wine with his disciples and told them that “this is the blood of my covenant, which is poured out for many.” According to  St. Luke , Jesus called on his followers to repeat


Dear friends in Christ, It’s a great joy and privilege to write on this blog in the Lenten days. I thank God for giving me this opportunity. Love is common to all creation. All living things in the world are structured by love. There are also people who worship beyond love. That can be his wife, husband, children, loved ones, even our favourite leaders. Worship is a symbol of love and above all. Who doesn’t like it when others praise us?  Worship is a wonderful experience in the divine life. It is essential in all religions. People of all religions worship their god as he/she pleases. In Christianity, worship is the most important one than other religions. Christians tend to be more mindful of it. Because our Lord God is very much admiring of our worship and glorified Himself. The English word ‘ worship’ comes from old English words: ‘ worth,’ which means “worth” and ‘ scipe’ or ‘ship,’ which means something like shape or quality. When we worship, we are saying that God has


 “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17.  From this passage we can clearly understand that the Bible is divinely influenced by God. The authors of the Scripture wrote in such a way that it was the very Word of God. Therefore scriptures are authoritative when it comes to doctrine and it is sufficient enough to teach man how to be in a right relationship with God. The Bible is a compilation of sacred books of the Christian religion and is believed to be 3400-1900 years old. It is said to be a covenant between God and His people for special help or blessings. The authors of Scripture wrote exactly what God wanted them to write, and the result was the perfect and Holy Word of God. It is considered as a spoken word. The Bible is divided into two parts- Old Testament and New Testament. The Old Testamen


     Greetings to you all in the name of Jesus Christ. Today we are going to discuss about prayer! What is prayer? In very simple words prayer is a medium through which we can communicate with our heavenly Father. We all have a different meaning or explanation for prayer. For me, praying to God is talking with him, sharing all the things of my life with my heavenly father, not only sharing normal things but sharing things that cannot be said or shared with anyone, not even with our parents and even our best friends. Gandhi ji says “prayer is the very soul and The essence of religion, and therefore prayer must be the very core of an individual’s life”.  A person who has devotion and love for God can live without food, but cannot live without praying to God. A prayer is an act of surrendering ourselves to God. By doing so, a person grows out of his limitations, helplessness and insecurities. Let us see what the Bible tells us about prayer! “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing; gi