Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Saviour of the World.       I am glad to share with you about Faith in Action. There are a lot of controversies going on between the concepts of Faith in Action and the Faith without Works. Here, I would like to, bring out the demonstration of a living faith in loving action from James 2.14 - 26. St. James did not contradict the Apostle Paul, who insisted that we are saved not of works (Ephesians 2.9). Paul mentioned the works of law such as circumcision which does not save humankind. Paul also wrote (Titus 3.8): “… those who believed in God should be careful to maintain good works.”  In the same way, St. James explained that the living faith must accompany by virtuous deeds. He was written this letter to remind Jewish Christians for teaching them about the faithful life to them.

Act of Obedience by Faith

St. James proved faith in action from the life of Abraham, the father of Jews and many nations. The faith of Abraham is living faith. He was justified by faith long before he offered Isaac. But his obedience in offering Isaac demonstrated that he really have faith in God. He obeyed unquestioningly the commands of God. That is why he could succeed in the test of his faith. His obedience shows his living faith and his love of God. If there is no obedience, that trustiness has no value at all. God does not want us to have theoretic and speculative faith, but the faith with corresponding acts of obedience.

Act of Goodness by Faith

As the second example, St. James draws out from the life of Rahab, the gentile harlot. Rahab, a woman who lived in Jericho is a biblical heroine of living faith. Although she was a Canaanite, who were the hated enemies of Israel, she did remarkable deeds for the welfare of Israelites.  She demonstrated her faith by hiding the spies and seeking salvation from the God of Israel. This goodness of Rahab revealed her faith in God. Rahab became Israelite through marrying Salmon of Judah tribe and in later, Jesus was born in her descendants. No one can justify and save by mere abstract and cold faith, but a faith necessarily connected with good works.


The insight that Christian faith always leads to practical action is in itself a lesson for the workplace. It is easy to say, “I trust God” and to wish that those who in need also get prosperity and their needs. But the fact is that faith is not about words, it is based on the attitude of life. One who trusts God must be ready to obey and serve others. As we learnt from Abraham, if we believe in God, we will do what He tells us to do. As Rahab, if we believe in God, we will do good deeds how He directs us to do. St. James concluded by saying, “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.” (Jam 2.26). We are to show our faith in all the aspects of daily living. Have faith in Action and be an Active Believer. The blessing of Triune God be with you.

Article By –  Y. Golden Rathis (Meyego)


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