“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work” – 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

 From this passage we can clearly understand that the Bible is divinely influenced by God. The authors of the Scripture wrote in such a way that it was the very Word of God. Therefore scriptures are authoritative when it comes to doctrine and it is sufficient enough to teach man how to be in a right relationship with God.

The Bible is a compilation of sacred books of the Christian religion and is believed to be 3400-1900 years old. It is said to be a covenant between God and His people for special help or blessings. The authors of Scripture wrote exactly what God wanted them to write, and the result was the perfect and Holy Word of God. It is considered as a spoken word.

The Bible is divided into two parts- Old Testament and New Testament. The Old Testament tells the story about the ancient Israelites and contains the laws and rituals that comprise their religion. The New Testament tells about the life of Jesus and His ministry also it talks about the early days of Christianity. Generally Bible has only two types of literature and both are in written documents that are prose and poetry. It is mostly associated with the reality that reflects God.

According to some writers, the Bible is called to be God’s love letter to us and God used prophets for revealing the truth, to write or record the truth.

According to Augustine of Hippo “The Bible was composed in such a way that as beginners mature, its meaning grows with them.” As our friendship with our Lord grows deeper and deeper, more and more of its treasures become accessible to us, making us fall in greater love with the Revealer of the same(Daniel 2:22).

Background:- Christians consider the 66 books that make up the Bible as the inspired Word of God. And composed by many different authors over hundreds of years, written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. As such it is sufficient for “faith and practice.” From Historical events, social customs, religious beliefs, figures of speech, institutions, styles of dress, style of building, and the very lie of the land itself all contributed in various ways to what is said in the Bible and how the first leaders would have understood it.

We can recover and reconstruct the context or “Background” of the Bible by taking into account several bodies of literature and fields of study such as geography and topography, archaeology, numismatics, epigraphy, papyrology, comparative literature etc.

Bible mentioned how God created human kind. In genesis chapter 1 to 11 we can see the pre ancestral discourse of how God Created the entire universe by his Word. When God said “Let there be light” and there was light. Similarly, God created heaven and the earth and everything on the earth. After creating everything on the earth , God created Man in His own image. Later He created a Women taking one of the rip from a man to be his wife.

The Old Testament predicts the coming of one Man who would bring the promised blessing into the world (Isaiah 11:1-10). The New Testament details the coming of the Promised Man. His name was Jesus and He fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. So, we can say that the Bible is produced by the believers, for the believers and is preserved by the believers.

Reading the Bible is like a spiritual practice or discipline that helps us grow as disciples - people who love God and love their neighbors. Sometimes we study Scripture for guidance in particular situations, sometimes we use Scripture as a way to focus and direct our prayers, sometimes we study Scripture to draw courage and understanding from faithful people of the past.

The Bible is filled with powerful stories that have many layers of meaning. As we grow and mature in our faith we encounter God in new and challenging ways in old familiar passages. For example, for children the significance of the story of Jesus’ birth may be that Jesus was once a child himself. As we grow older the story takes on deeper meaning and raises new questions for our lives.

Article by Lonisha Sangma


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