Greetings to you all the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, Today we are in the 27th days of LENT, and today we are going to discuss about Christian Mission. 

Synonyms – assignment, task, journey, undertaking, goal, pursuit, aim, purpose etc. Opposite words – rest, stoppage, lazy

We will be discussing what is mission, its origin, why want to talk on mission, your mission generally or common and Gods mission,


Generally - mission is an important assignment or task given to a person or group of people. Typically – mission involving travel

Biblically – a sending (with special purpose)

The word Mission comes from the Latin word Missio (n) and the verb ‘Mittere’ appears quite frequently in the vulgate, which corresponds, to the word ‘send’ in English Bible. Biblical scholars have related to these two words “mission” and “sending” for the equivalent term in Hebrew Bible “Salah”, “Apostello” and “Pempo” in both the LXX and New Testament. Salah and Apostello stand for biblical language “sending” which is a very rich concept in the Bible. Hence, we can say that the Bible laid foundation for mission.

In the Missiological circle, it is not merely preaching the gospel to the unreached. It embraces not only the work of an individual but rather of the church. It is to be carried out not only to a particular area but also to the whole world including Christian areas. Christian Mission is to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ, which is redeem, the world and to establish the kingdom of God. We need to carry out the mission work, as it is the command of Jesus.

Your mission:

Its our own personal mission, we can have many mission on same time, a personal mission identifies who you are as a person (or as team member where you work) and ideantifies your purpose, whether thats in the office or simply in your life. It explains how you aim to pursue that purpose, and why it matters so much to you.

God’s mission:

Gods mission which means sending, and its the central biblical theme describing the purpose of Gods action in human history. The mission of God directly through every believer and every community of faith that adheres to Jesus.

Gods mission is evangelism:

The word Evangelism comes from the Greek word “Evangelio”- ‘bring’ or ‘announce good news’ or ‘proclaim or preach good news’. ‘Evangelizomai’ – ‘bring good news/tidings/glad tidings. The middle verb “Evangelizomai” and “Evangello” and noun “Evangelion” and “Evangelos” are all derived from angles – messenger, one who brings a message of victory, or other political or personal news that causes joy. Therefore evangelism means preaching and proclaiming the gospel. So, the main theme of evangelism is to make people to know that Jesus is the Saviour.

God’s mission is to make or create God’s kingdom or kingdom of God.

Reason of mission:

In life we should have mission, sometimes when we are not engaged with anything which leads us to laziness as well as illness or to evil thoughts. If we have no mission or purpose of life it means we are not growing mentally, emotionally, economically as well as socially. People of all the ages we should have mission and we should help ourselves to complete it.


Mission is task, goal or assignment. We get many task or assignments some are individual or group, we generally receive task from human beings but as well as we believe God has sent us on a mission. Once i was watching a movie (name forgotten) where the hero learn from parents that we have common goal as we grow older, we get Job, we earn money, we led our family as well as our personal life, but always we should remember in our life we have common goal which is to do good for our (family, neighbourhood, society, community) country, that what really Gods want us to do. Lastly as long we live on this earth we are in Gods mission to complete.

Article by Rev. Dn. Santhosh Soren


  1. Thank you bro felt blessed to share my thoughts for wellness of People of God


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