
The term Ministry comes from Latin ‘ministerium’ which means ‘activity of a servant, service, duty’. In Middle English ‘ministere’. Later it became Minstri. Our Lord Jesus Christ talks about ministry, “My Father will honor the one who serves me”. John 12:25. If we want to get honor from Almighty, we should do the ministry with sincerely. The word ministry appeared in the bible 22 times.

Healing Ministry

The Bible talks about Jesus, the Son of God who went about doing good and healing all kinds of diseases – bringing wholeness and healing to people in their body and mind. When Jesus had risen from the dead, he gave the authority and power to his disciples to drive out demons and heal all kinds of diseases. Since then, the church has been engaged in the ministry of healing.

Biblical Understanding of Healing: We must clearly understand the fact that Jesus never attempted to heal people without any relevance nor benefit to the Kingdom of God. When Jesus began his ministry, he began to preach: “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near.” Whenever there came opportunities for him to heal, he never separated the body from the spirit. When he healed the paralytic man, he told him before hand: “Yours sins are forgiven.”

Healing Misunderstood: There is a section of Christian community that emphasizes bodily healing alone as above every aspect of healing. The Bible also talks about being healed and delivered of our mind and spirit. People quoting from the 53rd chapter of Isaiah say that we are healed by his stripes and emphasize that Christ in this world? Jesus indeed performed miracles and healed people of their diseases. But he did not heal every one of them.

Purpose of Healing Ministry: Clearly, the outcome of any healing ministry is glorifying God. By this, the one who received healing may put his faith and trust in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is an avenue of ministry through which the Lord draws people to himself. Today, there are countless testimonies of people of other faiths who have received the healing touch of the Lord, walked into the fold of faith and have declared their faith through the act of baptism.

The forgotten medication of the Churches:  The ministry of the church in the area of healing has produced tremendous results in all the continents of the world. Many medical missions have come to serve the community far and wide. In Tamil Nadu, the work of Dr. Ida Scudder and the C.M.C. in Vellore is commendable. Unfortunately, many church run hospitals lie in deplorable conditions. There are not many dedicated medical personnel available to serve in the rural areas. People perish where there is no vision. The church must wake up to the grim realities of the society. Jesus said: “You are the salt of the earth and light of the world.”

Pastoral Ministry

God’s call to different persons has been implied different responsibilities. Moses was called at the Burning bush not to be a ‘religious’ leader but a social and a political liberator!’ Isaiah was called to prophesy to His people but not as a priest. David was chosen as a king to protect the people of God.

In the New Testament a new vocation of ‘preaching’ and ‘witnessing’ (2 Tim.4-1) (Kerygma and Marturia) were discovered as a Pastoral commitment, i.e., Peter, Paul, Timothy etc.

In Jn. 21 St. Peter was asked by the Lord Jesus to ‘find’, Shepherd’ this sheep. The role of the Shepherd was to (feed) provide, to protect and constantly to seek ‘pastures’ for his sheep.

Peter again (I Pet.5) reaffirms the commitment of a Pastor (one who pastures) is; to shepherd’ the flock- to heal the sick and wounded, protect from unknown attacks in the night and in the day. A Shepherd is a caring leader rather exhibits Lordship and power at any time.

Laity Ministry

Laity as living witnesses: The ministry of the laity primarily is to witness God’s wondrous act and to pass the message to nations and generations. The four leprous did the same telling the good news of how God delivered his people from enemies during famine. Acts 1:8 reminds us ‘And you shall be my witnesses’.

Courage of the Laity: In Acts 8:2 we read the effective role of the laity during early church persecution “And devout men carried Stephen to his burial and made great lamentation over him”.

Laity as preachers: In Acts 8:4 we can identify the scattered faithful laity went everywhere preaching the word. It is like the little leavened bread transforms the whole pot

likewise the lay persons are the transforming instruments in the hands of  God.

Laity as partners in God’s Mission: Form Exodus 18:13-27 we learn from the act of Jethro who instructed his son in law Moses to share the responsibility with people’s leaders. Nehemiah 1-6 chapters present how the laity co operated to complete building the temple.


The Christian ministry is to imitate the Lord Himself. The image of the suffering servant in the Book of Isaiah (Ch.53) is deserving example of the very nature of the servant of God.

Article by Kingston Robin


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