Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, Today we are going to meditate on the topic "Heaven".

Heaven is a place every believers wished to be in someday, in the heart of every believer there is always the hope of heaven. Heaven is the afterlife, the home of God and His angels, it’s also known as paradise, also the celestial sphere. Heaven is seen as a place of supreme happiness, joy and contentment. Where there will be no tears, there is no sorrow, no regret, no remorse. Heaven is the place that some people go to, after leaving the physical body. It is the eternal home, of our spirit and soul.

Even though, The greatest life of a believer is the life of heaven. And heaven is promised with joy that is beyond human understanding, We all know that the road to heaven is full of thrones, the greatest example we see is from the life of Jesus Christ, our heavenly being who come to earth, ascend to Heaven in the afterlife. His life on earth was full of suffering, he endured physical torment, emotional trauma, spiritual agony and most importantly, he suffered from our sins, receiving the wrath for sin that we deserve. Jesus’ life on earth taught us that even though our life on earth is bitter, full of sorrows, our future home, heaven is better than any of us can imagine. It is place where will be more at home than we have ever been in this life. Because God, who sits on the throne will spread His tent over His people (Revelation 7:15). Therefore, God calls us to set our minds on things above.

Many of us only look forward to go to home where Jesus is yet forgets. To go home we must be part of the family. To be part of the family our sins must be washed away. (Isaiah 59:1-2) as sin separates christ. To be part of the family we need to start living more like we're going to heaven, We should be living for heaven now, Living for heaven now means having new affections, a new direction and focus, new priorities, a new commitment to holiness, a new commitment to service and witness, new perseverance through trials and a new hope to guide you through this life. Most importantly, to be part of the family we must be born into it. We must truly be born again (John 3:3-5). As neither our intelligence, our wealth, goodness nor our gifts will open the door of heaven when we die, but it is only through Jesus Christ, as Jesus said “i am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”(john14:6).

From the above discussion, let us all question ourselves are we truly part of the family? Where do we stand? Lastly, let us conclude with a short illustration. Even for our life on earth, without ticket it is impossible to get many of our work done for instance like Bus ticket, flight ticket. Without our ticket we cannot reach our destination. Likewise, to go to heaven we need to have our tickets, which is the tickets from our siblings, parents, spouse, friends, neighbours. Let us ponder upon if you are to die tomorrow are you sure of your tickets from your siblings, parents, spouse, friends, neighbours? Are you sure you left a good impact on them?. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. Therefore, let us all not just dream of the future heaven but rather start living for heaven now by preparing ourselves so that we will all reach our destination.


Article by Opikali Sumi


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