Warm Greetings, My Dear friends in Christ, 

I welcome and congratulate you for participating in the Raise Lives Lent Convention.

You took a great decision to spend 5 to 10 minutes of reading on Raise Lives every day during Lent Season, which allows you to learn more about the basis of the Christian beliefs and to live a proper Christian life by understanding the purpose for which it was created. We are going to read forty different topics in the next forty days. 


We are in the new season LENT. The term Lent comes from Old English "lenten" which means Spring or Spring season. According to the Christian calendar lent is 40 days before resurrection day. Sundays are excluded from the count. Historically, the practice of Lent in the church was commonly known by the fourth century. 

Spring is a time when flowers bloom and trees begin to grow and reproduce. The same likewise Lent is the day we renew our relationship with God. 

When we think about the forty days, it commemorates the 40 days Jesus spent praying in the desert before his public ministry (Matthew 4:1-11). Forty days was the period from the resurrection of Jesus to the ascension of Jesus (Acts 1:3). Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days (Exodus 24:18) and there are some more forty days there in the Bible. 

Also, all church denominations are not practising Lent. There are differences of opinion and disagreements on observing Lent, but apart from all the controversies.  Let us spend these Lent days meaningfully by learning the basics of the Christian faith and the myths around it. 

In John 8:32 Jesus said, You will know the truth, and that truth will set you free.” Here Jesus encourages us to know the truth by learning it. Learning is a wonderful thing. Learning helps us to understand ourselves. Our spiritual life is based on our understanding of God.

Hope this Lent season will help you to know and understand more about the basics of the Christian faith. Our is made possible with the help of 40 different theological students across India. 

We are thankful to all who have contributed and we pray that these blogs will help you to create space for God to work in your heart this Lent. 

Every day the article will be published on at 6 o clock in the evening except on Sundays. 

The below comment section is always open for you to share your opinions and testimonies. 

Please check our scheduled topics on our social media platforms.

Thank you 

Daniel Justine


  1. It's a great joy and privileged to participating in Lent convention... May The God bless us through these Words...

  2. Hope it will really be a good initiative to understand the importance of lent and how to live in lent days as a Christian...thanks Daniel & team..

  3. Thanks for spending time with spread the God's love.. God bless you more& more...

  4. It's wonderful to learn and meditate God 's word during these Lent days.May the Lord strengthen all who are involved in this team work.

  5. Thank you so much Daniel for this great initiative. Well done. May the Risen Lord continue to be glorified through such attempts. God bless you abundantly.


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