Hello friends, greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. Today we are going to meditate on the topic Gospel. We cannot decide this is the only Gospel for all of us. Maybe it is Gospel for us only, not for others. According to me, unless and until one who doesn’t accept Gospel, doesn't become the gospel for them, it is up to us. That means we are not deciding how Gospel should be? But my point is accepting or not accepting the Gospel.

The etymology of the word Gospel.

The word Gospel comes from the Anglo Saxon language or the old English usage which was Gospel, which means God story. The word Gospel in the Hebrew language of Old Testament is Bisser or Besorah, in Greek Bible. The Gospel word is Euangelion, which means Preach the Gospel. It is derived from two Greek words eu which means Good, and angelion, which is translated as Message or announcement.

Gospel or good news for all creation through Jesus Christ

According to the Gospel of Luke 4: 16-19, Jesus came to this world with a purpose, that is, preaching the Gospel to the poor, the word poor, in the sense of those who are needy or lacking something, which makes their life fulfilling.

The ministry of Galilee is introduced by Jesus reading and interpreting the words of Isaiah in the synagogue at Nazareth. This is the keynote to the entire ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus began his announcement with words from Isaiah 61:1. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. Jesus proclaims is Good News or Gospel for the poor because it gives them a new status, a new identity and dignity. Sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors are no longer seen as outcasts but are accepted and befriended.

The poor and the sick are no longer disregarded but are given a new dignity and identity through the healing and empowerment which Jesus brings. Luke presents Jesus as the liberator from all their oppression, sickness, and blindness. As in the days of Jesus, there are many today in South Asia like the Dalits, tribals, women, children and poor, displaced and landless people who are in need of the good news or Gospel.

Are we sharing Gospel with anyone?

The sharing of the Gospel to all the world is a primary duty of all Christians because it is given by Risen Christ as a great commission in scripture. We can find the gospel according to Mark 16:15, and Jesus said to them Go into all the world and proclaim the good news or Gospel.

Jesus said in the sermon on the Mount and Jesus called His disciples the light of the world. We can find in Gospel according to Matthew 5:14-16, you are the light of the world. Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. As we know the whole world is suffering since 2019 due to covid, during this time many people searching for good news or Gospel, at that time the whole nation saw one person, Sonu sood he was a film actor. but he shared good news or gospel through his works, as we know, action speaks louder than voice. That’s why God said to us through the gospel of Matthew 7:21, those who are called me always like Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven. but only one who does the will of my father in heaven.


Those who feel we have got Gospel, they should share the gospel with others through their actions without fail. Jesus chose us as disciples of Him because we believed and proclaimed His suffering, death and Resurrection, which is Gospel to the whole world, and it leads us into eternal life. As a proclaimer or disciple of Christ, we have to be ready to share the gospel through our deeds and works. I believe that Mother Teresa's quotes about helping hands are better than Praying Lips. Because Christians should maintain their good relationship with God, that is called vertical relationship with God and horizontal, which means they have maintained a good relationship with creation, it is symbolized by the cross. That’s why most of our friends during this Lenten season, they are doing fasting prayers and sacrificing their food and money for others like those who are in needy situations, this is not for only one season but sharing Gospel through it has to continue.

Article by Sugandhar. 


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