“Then Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.”

Acts 8: 17

The ecclesiastical right is known as ‘confirmation’, or ‘laying on of hands.’ Luke speaks only of consolidating the effect on the faith of the apostolic presence and preaching. Whereas in Acts 8: 14-17 the laying of hands precedes a spectacular descent of the Holy Spirit upon previously baptized peoples. Nowadays, this ritual of laying on hands is known as ‘confirmation’, and this rite is performed by the bishops. Confirmation is a sign of a pledge of God’s unfailing goodness. It is said that the one who is getting confirmed has first accepted Christ, and now Christ has accepted him/her. Hence, confirmation can be seen with two meanings that are to confirm and to be confirmed. After the confirmation is ready to receive the privileges as well as assume the responsibility of Church membership. Now here I would like to put some light on some specific points.

What is the meaning of to confirm and to be confirmed?

We as Christian, have the mission to proclaim the good news. This is the same good news that was proclaimed by Jesus Christ while he was ministering on Earth. Giving testimony and inspiring people to repent from sins and experience the goodness of God. Thus, one must open their mouth to bore testimony about God to the people. The act of laying hands on is not just a ritual that we follow. When we read the book of Acts, we can see the significance of this. When someone who has believed in Christ with their whole heart. Then through the apostles, the gift of the Holy Spirit was given to them. Now also when the bishop lays his hand on anyone for confirmation, then it is considered a sign of God’s goodness, and it borne testimony that the one who has been confirmed is a child of God. As we know from the beginning, God has called us his Child, but here is A child has a deep meaning. As being confirmed when we accept God as our father that we truly become his children. After getting confirmation, the one not become part of the only church congregation, but also become part of God’s as well as the Church’s mission. They have to carry out the responsibilities of the Church.

Now the question may arise what are the responsibilities of the Church?

The responsibilities of the Church depend upon the situations, what people are suffering from. As of now, the whole world is suffering from COVID-19 for more than the past 2 years. In these crucial times, the responsibility of the church is to serve one another in love and take care of widows and orphans, also providing physical needs. Let us look in brief about this.

Serving one another in Love: - The act of serving may vary, but the overarching principle remains the same. As John 13: 35 states “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” We can serve and save others only if we love them. Father has sent his son to be sacrificed because he loves us. If Father can love us apart from the sins which we’ve done and keep doing then why can’t we share his love with others who are in need. This is our responsibility to help people.

Caring for widows and orphans: - In James 1:27 it is written “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” Because of this pandemic, many families have faced dark times. Bible says that you are the Lord our God is the light of the world. And as being his Children, we are too. So, it is our responsibility to look after them and help them in every way possible.

We as Christian can pray very well for ourselves as well as for others. But it is said that prayer only without action is of no use. Prayer must always go hand in hand with actions. Providing and fulfilling the needs of those who are under bondage and difficulties is the responsibility of the church; after taking confirmation, it comes to us also because we are a part of Christ.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to understand that confirmation is not just a ritual that we’ve to follow. Confirmation is much more than that what we think. It is being accepted by Christ and becoming part of Him through the help of the Holy Spirit. Confirmation can’t be explained in these few words. What I’ve written here is just a basic idea. Hence, I conclude this article with one question for you to meditate upon. Are we truly confirmed or have we just followed this ritual? as being a Christian? Think upon it, and if not then we’ll try to act in accordance with the help of the Holy Spirit.

May God bless you all.

Thank You.

Article By SUNNY S. GHATE.




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